Six Baptisms

Last Sunday (17th March), we had the pleasure of celebrating six baptisms. These brothers and sisters shared all that Jesus has done in their lives and were baptised as a public declaration of their faith. Each testimony was vastly different, but the kindness and power of God saturated them all, as you can read below.


“For my family, everything changed due to the war. We left behind our city, our extended family, and our friends. We found temporary safety in Uganda and became refugees. We did not have consistent access to basic human needs, and there was so much suffering. It was the lowest point of my life.

“During this time, I turned to the living God. I remember praying on my knees one day, feeling so much pain and hopelessness, and asking God to help my family. I could feel God there with me.”


“I became obsessed with spiritual warfare and my desire to be a part of the grand plan of things. I was trying to shove my head into a place where it didn't belong, which ended in me going on a journey with psychedelics.

“It's been a year since my last trip. A serious message during that experience and while sober has warned me not to touch psychedelics anymore - and this time, I heeded the instruction. Since then, I have been walking with Christ, who I've fully dedicated myself to.”


“My week-long trip to Namibia turned into almost three months after a cycling accident. Elandia and her family embraced me with so much love during this time. They continued to share the gospel with me and what it means to follow Christ. I could see their words in action.

“After this, I could not rationalise living for myself anymore. Even though I'd actively defended doing so for so long, it did not make sense after what I had seen from people who truly love Christ. I also personally experienced God's love and grace over my life.”


“I was reintroduced to Christianity during a Grace London carol service. There was something different about that evening. The Christmas carols I remembered from my youth finally made sense, and I wanted to believe the words I sang.

“It took me five months before I had the confidence to ask my friend to invite me again, to which he said, “You do know that you can just turn up, right?” Fine. So I did. They couldn't get rid of me, even if they tried.”


“In the depths of my despair, I knew I needed God. So, I gave my life to Christ just before my 21st birthday. I felt hopeful and at peace, and I practically saw God's work at hand in my life in healing and bringing me out of depression.

“Since accepting Christ into my life, my walk has not been easy. I've experienced deep disappointment and grief along the way, and out of my pain, I tried to hide from my heavenly Father. Yet, he did not turn away from me but continued to come after me to comfort my grieving heart.”


“I met a girl from Turkey on a dating app, and after a year of talking, I flew out to meet her. When I arrived, she took me to her church as she had recently become a Christian herself. I saw firsthand what a personal relationship with God can look like. 

“I met the pastor there and unloaded all my questions about Christianity. At the end of our conversation, he gave me a gift I'll never forget - a Bible that belonged to his best friend, who had recently passed away. That night, I went home and spoke to God for the first time.”

Let’s thank God for all he has done in these individuals' lives and pray that many more in London will come to know him. If you’re considering getting baptised, please speak to one of the pastors after a Sunday service or mention it to your life group leaders. They would love to hear from you!